Spain. Irene Kyamummi is the winner of the XI Harambee Prize for the Promotion and Equality of African Women.
Madrid. Harambee is happy to recognize her great commitment in health care for children in need, especially in rural areas.
Kyamummi (Kampala, 1983) studied medicine at the University of Makerere and dedicated herself to the promotion of projects in support of disadvantaged people. She has collaborated in initiatives for children, such as the TB-Child Project, to treat children suffering from tuberculosis, and the Child Health Project (CHEP), for which she moved to Kenya where, thanks to her dedication, she was able to improve the living conditions of over 5,000 children in the Limuru area.
The Harambee Award, an initiative of the H Committee Spain, will be awarded to her in Madrid on March 5, 2020.
With the Prize, sponsored by the René Furterer Laboratorios, Kyamummi will be able to contribute to the reduction of child mortality in the suburbs of Kampala through targeted health care programs.
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