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Sub-Saharan Africa. 8 New Projects Approved for the 2023 Fundraising Campaign

On 1 October, the Harambee committees meeting in Rome selected eight development initiatives to be supported in the coming year. The countries involved are Cameroon, DR Congo, Liberia, Kenya and Nigeria. The activities that Harambee will promote in the Sub-Saharan Continent contribute to the following goals of the 2030 Agenda (SDGs): -Ob. no.4 "Quality education for all" -Ob. no. 8 "Jobs and economic growth for all". -Ob. no. 10 "Reduce inequalities". The specific sectors involved are: literacy for girls in rural environments and vocational training for young women in Cameroon; the promoting bodies of these two projects are Coordination Nationale des Ecoles Familiales Agricoles du Cameroun - CNEFAC and Action Monde Pour Tous. Quality education for children will be ensured in the northwest area of Cameroon, thanks to a project run by Ndichia Foundation, in the Rep. Dem of Congo with the intervention proposed by Action des Jeunes Eleveurs et Agriculteurs Au Kivu - AJEAK and in Kenya where the promoting body is Boystown RUAI. Teacher training will be offered in Liberia, thanks to Strathmore University in Nairobi; socio-health care (in rural areas) will be offered by the Niger Foundation Hospital and Diagnostic Centre in Nigeria. The total contributions needed amount to Euro 82,000. Alongside the selected projects to which all committees are committed, individual initiatives will be carried out independently in each country where a Harambee committee is active. In addition, monitoring and reporting will be continued for projects started in 2022 and not yet completed. The fundraising campaign will be launched in January 2023 and more in-depth information will be published on the website in the near future.

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