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Rome. 'Africa's Underestimated Economic and Social Revolution'. Saturday, 25 March, Palazzo Valentini

The aim is to offer an opportunity for an in-depth look at the changes and phenomena, too often underestimated, that explain the constant growth in Africa. For too many years Africa has been considered 'hopeless'. Today we can and must look at the African continent as 'the new engine of growth for humanity'. The reasons for this necessary change of perspective are many. First of all, talking about Africa is in itself a generalisation. Africa is made up of 54 countries, which have completely different languages, cultures and traditions. A continent whose extension may perhaps surprise us, just think that it is as big as China, Europe, the United States and India put together. The population: today Africa has 1.2 billion people, 70% of whom are under 30 years old. In 2050 the population will double to 2.4 billion. In 2030, one out of every five people on Earth will be African. By 2100, however, it is estimated that as many as one in three people will be African. The economy: the gross domestic product (GDP) of the African continent is expected to grow by 4% this year and 3.8% in 2024 according to the latest UN forecasts. The highest growth this year will be in East Africa (5.1%), followed by North Africa (4.8%), West Africa (3.8%), Central Africa (3.4%) and, finally, Southern Africa (2.3%). It is also interesting to know that there are 400 companies in Africa with a turnover of more than $1 billion per year. 75% of these companies are in the hands of Africans. The technological revolution: while in 2015 there were 315 million smartphones connected to the internet on the entire African continent, by 2024 there will be, according to the latest estimates, as many as 600 million. A number that will equal the total number of smartphones that will be connected in Europe in 2024 and even double the number of smartphones connected in the United States. These are just some of the reasons that lead us to look at Africa with new eyes, free of prejudices and clichés. An approach that has always guided the Harambee Africa International ETS Foundation, which for 20 years has been committed to strengthening local human resources, supporting African entities in the implementation of projects in the fields of basic education, vocational training, academic and entrepreneurship. At the same time, Harambee promotes a deeper knowledge of the continent to overcome stereotypes and contribute to a culture of coexistence and complementarity. The meeting will take place in Rome, Saturday 25 March (10:00-12:00) at Palazzo Valentini, Via Quattro Novembre 119/A. Programme: Institutional greetings: -Mariano Angelucci - Councillor of the Metropolitan City of Rome -Piero Sandulli - President of Harambee Africa International Foundation 10:10 Screening of the spot 'REFRAMED' by David Boanuh - winner of the 9th Harambee Award "Communicating Africa 10:15 Speakers - moderator: Giovanni Maria Mazzacani - Antonella Baldino - Head of International Cooperation and Development Finance of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti -Fabrizio Lobasso - Deputy Central Director for Sub-Saharan African Countries at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation - Gianfranco Belgrano - Editorial Director InfoAfrica and Africa and Business -Alessandra Colarizi - Sinologist and Editorial Director of China Files, Author of the book Red Africa. The Chinese model and the continent of the future - Isaac Kodjo Atchikiti - Development Manager of SIGNIS Services Rome, Delegate to the High Council of Togolese Abroad -Raquel Rodríguez de Bujalance - Journalist, Author of the book Women of Ebony. The Challenges of Development in Africa -David Boanuh - Director and co-founder of Beautiful Stories Studios (Ghana) For info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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