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Your “Cinque x Mille” to Harambee: Shape the Future!

In Italy, It's tax return time and with a simple signature you can help us, at no cost, to ensure basic education and quality vocational, academic and business training in many Sub-Saharan African countries. In the tax return form (730, CU, Unico) you will find the box for the " SCELTA PER LA DESTINAZIONE DEL CINQUE PER MILLE DELL'IRPEF ". Sign and enter Harambee's tax code - 97514580584 - in the space dedicated to Sostegno del volontariato e delle altre organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale, delle associazioni di promozione sociale ecc '. Thanks to the contributions collected also with the 5x1000, since 2002 we have implemented more than 80 projects focusing on education and training of people in about 20 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. With your 5x1000 you can support African organisations that day after day build a better future for millions of people. You too can contribute to supporting the hope of so many young people who wish to train and improve the future for everyone.  All it takes is a simple signature to transform a wish into concretely attainable goals! Click here for more information on the projects we are supporting this year, also thanks to the 5x1000. SHAPE THE FUTURE! You can do it and it costs you nothing.

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